We are choosing our own thing, and our own way. As students of scripture, we see a recurring theme happening. As God’s people in the Book of Jeremiah, walked in their own way, we in this age are doing the same thing. But I implore us to read the book! Nebuchadnezzar descended on Jerusalem with a fury like no other. Old people and children weren’t safe, all the people felt his wrath!
Remember…The choice we make today about how we live our life, the decisions we make about the upbringing of our children, how we treat our neighbor and how we relate to the God that made us, gave us mercy, grace, granted forgiveness whenever we truly repented, and above all else, showed His unending love for us when He sent Jesus, His Son to the cross as propitiation – that God, based on our actions will grant us our forever home.
UPDATE…everyone, including our husbands, wives, and children is our neighbor. And whatever we are doing with the body, soul and spirit HE gave us, HE sees and records it. NOW is the time, the acceptable time to choose SALVATION!!!